What elective should you take based on your zodiac sign?

Kaitlyn Hart

Life Editor


You’re known for being quite the humanitarian, Aquarius. You enjoy fighting for the things you believe in and living with no limitations. 

You would excel fantastically in “The World Today: Introduction to Global Issues”. 

Course description: “This course takes a thematic approach to highlight major Global issues including health, politics, sports, terrorism, women’s empowerment, human rights, science, technology, poverty, etc., and how various regions of the world have responded to the stress and storm that often characterize these life challenges with particular focus on the past two decades. Students will critically analyze how cultural, social, economic, and/or environmental exchanges between people from different regions interact in our globalized world today.”

This class fulfills Gen Ed Objective 9, is taught during the early summer and is online!


Being the artistic type that you are, you enjoy things that expand your mind and challenge your ways of thinking. This would be a great opportunity for you to take a class out of your comfort zone but making sure that it’s something that still interests you.

You would enjoy “Fundamentals of Mindfulness”.

Course Description: “This course teaches core skills and practices in multiple forms of mindfulness meditation.  The course emphasizes developing functional application of mindfulness in all daily activities and is open to anyone interested in developing a personal mindfulness practice.”

This class is taught during Fall 2020 on Thursdays from 5 p.m to 6:30 p.m.


Though you can be a bit impulsive and moody at times, you are also exceedingly confident and like to take on leadership roles. You like to be in the thick of things and be on the front lines.

That is why you should take “Medical Ethics”.

Course Description: “An examination of ethical issues that arise in medical practice. Topics may include informed consent, withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, abortion, assisted suicide, and the allocation of scarce resources.”

This class begins in the early summer and is online!


You’re someone who’s more into the stable and reliable parts of life. You’re not into spontaneity or any kind of insecurity, so a class that always has a nice round answer is right up your alley.

You should enroll in “Principles of Microeconomics”.

Course Description: “Come learn about demand and supply with applications to consumer behavior, the cost structure of firms, the behavior of firms in industries that range from having monopoly power to being competitive, and the role of government in a market economy.”

This class satisfies Gen Ed Objective 6, and is online during the late summer!


A gentle and affectionate soul is something that you look for in a friend because it’s something you have yourself. You enjoy peace and you have the rare ability to be able to appreciate and admire some of life’s most simple pleasures.

That is why you should take “History and Appreciation of Photography.”

Course Description: “Discovery of the photographic process and its evolution to present. Analysis of many recognized masters of photography.”

This course is being given online during the early summer!


Cancer’s tend to be highly persuasive. With such an active imagination, it’s hard to not be constantly day dreaming of your life passions and goals, so you need something that is going to peak your interest. Something that is going to keep your mind engaged.

You should enroll in “The Sociology of Religion”.

Course Description: “Contemporary issues as they relate to religion. The relationship of religion to other social institutions. Religious experience and mysticism. Prophecy and its routinization. Cults and religious dissent.”

This class is being given online during the early summer!


You’re a bit of a firecracker, Leo. You tend to be exuberant and impatient, always ready for the next move. Maybe it’s time you slow down a bit and smell the roses? Take some time to slow down your mind and you might learn something new about yourself and the way your own mind works.

You should take “Introduction to Philosophy”.

Course Description: “An introduction to the major thinkers and major problems in Western philosophical and scientific traditions. Sections may emphasize either an historical or problems approach.”

This course fulfills Gen Ed Objective 4, and is being given online during the early summer!


You enjoy finding the correct answer and you don;t enjoy it when the answer is up for debate. You aren’t keen on things when they’re “up for interpretation” because you enjoy structure and any kind of unorganization makes you anxious.

You should take “Personal Finance”.

Course Description: “Even if you’re not going into business, personal finance skills and tips are essential to learn and master!  Come develop financial literacy for budgeting, credit, borrowing, planning, insurance, investing and estate planning.”

This class fulfills Gen Ed Objective 8, and is being given online during the early summer!


People like to call you indecisive, but it’s only because you’re afraid of making the wrong choice. You care so deeply about the world around you that you fear harming it in any way. You dream of understanding how people make split decisions without making twelve different pros and cons lists.

You should enroll in “Introduction to Psychology”.

Course Description: “Introduction to the study of human behavior and mental processes, with emphases on history, theories, research methods and findings, and applications in psychology’s major areas of study: biological, cognitive, learning, personality, social processes, developmental, and abnormal.”

This class fulfills Gen Ed Objective 6, and is being given online in the early summer!


You’ve often been called secretive, Scorpio. Sometimes others see you as distrusting or like you believe that the world is out to get you. And maybe sometimes you do feel that way. It’s time to build your faith in humanity and recognize why the world is the way that it is.

You should take “Families, Community, & Culture”.

Course Description: “In this course, you will examine interactions among school, family, community, and culture as a basis for reflecting on the social contexts of learning.”

This class fulfills Gen Ed Objective 9, and is being given online during Fall 2020!


You tend to think out of the box. You like to dream big and you think of yourself as idealistic. Some might say that you have some “off-the-wall” ideas, but if you didn’t think outside the box, who would?

You should take “Descriptive Astronomy”.

Course Description: “Do you read horoscopes because you are interested in learning more about constellations, planets, and stars?  Descriptive Astronomy PHYS1152 and the Descriptive Astronomy Lab PHYS1153 would be great classes for you!”

This class fulfills Gen Ed Objective 5 and is being given during Fall 2020 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m to 11:50 a.m!


You’re responsible. You like traditions, structure and critical thinking. You have impeccable self-control and you usually assume the worst, all very common characteristics of a politician.

You should enroll in “Introduction to Politics, Critical Thinking and Analysis.”

Course Description: “Introduction to critical thinking about politics. Students learn to comprehend and critically analyze discourse and writings on political and social issues, to identify errors in the logical or presentation of facts in political discourse, to be able to demonstrate independent political judgment by formulating logically valid and factually sound arguments.”

This course fulfills Gen Ed Objective 7 and is being given online during the early summer!