The climate change strikes are long overdue

Dylon Harrison

Associate Editor

This previous Friday, people around the world took to the streets to protest global inaction against climate change.

While this is great, there is one thought about it that keeps coming back to me more than any others. About damn time!

We are already deep into a climate crisis. The Earth is dying and we, humanity, are the ones causing it.

I know a lot of people don’t believe this, and I know the top of this column says opinion. However, it is a scientifically verifiable fact that the climate of our world is changing at a rapid rate.

It’s great that people are starting to take action and demand change, but it should have been happening for a long time already.

Most scientific studies agree, we only have about 11 years left until the damage to the climate and Earth’s ecosystem are irreversible.

Most of you who will be reading this will have a lot longer than that in which you will still need the Earth to survive.

It’s time to buck up and start making change and demanding change from governments and corporations that keep acting in their own interests with complete disregard of the long term suffering they are causing to everyone else.

Yes, this action is long overdue, but it’s better late than never. Every single one of us has our own voice. Use yours. If we don’t all come together to demand that things change, they never will.

I know that many of you are probably getting tired of being told how important it is to go vote, but it is! It is important!

That’s the beautiful thing about our country’s government. If you don’t like what the people in power are doing, you can take them out of office.

The fact of the matter is, we can strike about whatever we want, for as long as we want, but that has no guarantee of making those in power listen. There is no guarantee that it will cause change.

So yes, by all means give a chance to those in power, but if they don’t listen, show up in mass at the polls to show them that you’re tired of not being heard. They won’t start listening unless we force them to.

It’s time. It’s time to find your voice. It just is. You all need to find your voice and use it as if your life depends on it. Because, at this point it does.

Start demanding change. Take to the streets and use the power of your voice to tell the world about your demands, and above everything else, make sure you get yourself to the polls every chance you can to make sure that your demands are being met.

The world is burning, and we’re the ones who need to save it.