Stay in the Holiday Spirit While Remaining on Campus

Two gingerbread houses
Photo Courtesy of PixaBay

Chloe Reid


With holiday break just around the corner, traveling for many students and faculty is on the upcoming agenda. However, with COVID-19 cases spiking across eastern Idaho, limiting travel is becoming a more important thought to consider.

Although the holiday season is going to look a little different this year, that doesn’t mean that the excitement and tradition surrounding it have to go away. For students planning on staying in their dorms/student housing this holiday break, there’s plenty of ways to lift your spirits and continue celebrating the holiday season.

Making/Decorating Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread houses are a wholesome holiday trend that is easy for anyone to do. Gingerbread kits are starting to pop up in grocery stores as we get closer to the holidays and are an amazing and festive way to show your holiday creativity.

Listen to Christmas Music Playlists

There’s no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than spending the day listening to classic Christmas tunes. Songs such as Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You”, Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”, and Dean Martin’s “Let it Snow!” are just a few suggestions to get you started.

Watch Christmas Movies

The holiday break comes with a lot of free days, and Christmas movies are a perfect and festive way to spend that time. Get cozy with some blankets and candles and enjoy classics such as “Frosty the Snowman”, “The Polar Express”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and more.

Go Sledding

Pocatello has a ton of good sledding hills , including one on campus just above the South Complex housing. Getting out and enjoying the snow in a fun and energy-boosting way is a great method of lifting your holiday spirits.

Decorating Your Living Space

Customizing your room/apartment for the holidays is an easy and simple way to add some holiday spirit to your living area. Dollar stores are always stocked with seasonal decorations, making it easy to decorate without breaking the bank.

Get a Tree

There’s no bigger symbol of Christmas than the classic Christmas tree itself, and for those of us living in smaller spaces, it’s still perfectly easy to acquire them. Local stores such as Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and Home Depot are currently selling miniature trees perfect for dorm or room spaces for around $5 to $20.

Smell Some Pine

Pine/evergreen scents are readily available during the holidays and carry some health benefits with them. Whether you’d like to venture out and get a pine tree from a farm this holiday season, to something as simple as getting essential oil or candles of the holiday scent, smelling traditional pine scents such as evergreen or spruce can help in reducing stress and calming rocky emotions.

Holiday Zoom Meetings

If you’re unable to see your family for the holidays or have friends visit from out of town, Zoom calls are always available and are an easy way to see the ones you love during the holidays to make alone time seem a little less lonely.

Mailing Gifts/Cards

Despite some not getting to visit with loved ones during the holidays this year, mailing gifts and cards instead is a good way to still show those close to you that you’re still keeping them in your thoughts during the break. Candles, cozy socks, gift cards, and blankets are cheap yet effective gifts that can be sent to just about anyone in your circle.

Charity Work:

Christmas time is known as the season of giving. While this season might be a bit different, plenty of local food banks and assisted living communities are in need of help, especially during the challenges of COVID-19. Visit the Idaho Food Bank’s website, as well as for local volunteer work opportunities for the holiday season.

Local events are a wonderful way to get in the spirit of the holidays without traveling far from home this year. Throughout eastern Idaho, several holiday-based events will be hosted this year that accommodate social-distancing guidelines and allow people to still enjoy the spirit of the holidays in a separate format.

Christmas Night Lights Parade

Historic Old Town will still be hosting its annual Christmas Night Lights Parade this year but in a newly-introduced drive-through format. ISU Credit Union will be sponsoring the parade on Saturday, November 27th from 6 to 8 pm.