Samantha Chaffin


At least, that’s what they keep telling me.

If you Google “quotes about Beyoncé,” you’ll find that the idea of having the same number of hours in a day as her is a pretty popular one. Apparently, so is disagreeing with it and feeling overwhelmed with everything—my apologies for the cliché.

With midterms essentially underway, I’ve come to the conclusion that I could not have chosen a worse time to be the sickest I’ve been in my collegiate career thus far.

I should note that I write this with my fingers crossed, hoping that I don’t jinx myself and end up sick at an even more inopportune time in the future.

After spending a week dying (okay, so maybe I wasn’t quite dying) in bed, I’m playing catch-up with stuffed sinuses, which hasn’t exactly been the time of my life.

Between classes that I missed, homework I need to catch up on and a week’s worth of emails and messages to go through here at “The Bengal,” it’s safe to say I’m going to be hunkering down at a desk for the next week or two to get caught up.

Everyone keeps telling me that I have the same number of hours in a day as Beyoncé but right now I think they’re lying.

Even on weeks when I’m not deathly (again, probably not quite deathly) ill and in bed, I still feel like there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I’d like to do.

As a self-proclaimed organized person, I would like to think that my time management skills are up to par and that I am on top of things. Sometimes I feel like no matter how organized I am something has to give. Lately, my sleep has been the neglected party, and my recent illness was the resulting take.

Even during the stressful time that I call midterm madness, the best advice I can give any college student is to get enough sleep between long days of busy schedules. Your immune system will thank you.

After school and work, finding time or energy to do menial things like dishes and laundry become about as hard as finding a needle in a silver haystack if I don’t sacrifice my sleep schedule to do them.  Seriously, I cannot see my bedroom floor or the bottom of my kitchen sink right now. It’s not good.

So even though I have the same number of hours in my day as Beyoncé, I’d just like to remind everyone that I’m pretty sure she has someone else to do her housework, so please keep that in mind before judging my messiness. Regardless, after last week I’ll take a messy house over losing sleep and health almost any day.

In any case, I hope everyone else is surviving midterm madness with less laundry and dishes than I am right now, and hopefully in better health, too!