Alex Mosher
Staff Writer
One of the best college memories is becoming best friends with your roommate. You go from knowing nothing about one another to knowing absolutely everything. It’s hard not to get to know them, especially when you’re living under the same roof.
Unfortunately, not everyone has that same experience. For some, their college roommates were more than memorable, which, to them, isn’t a good thing.
Here is a compilation of untold stories about disastrous roommates from college students. All quotes are kept anonymous.
Rotten roommate:
I had a roommate who would eat apples in the shower and leave a stack of apple cores in the corner. He also peed in another corner and it would puddle up. If this wasn’t bad enough, he would put his toothbrush in the same corner he peed in and it would just sit there, in the pee. It was terrible.
The tattle-tale:
My first semester was rough. My roommates never cleaned anything, left their food to rot in the fridge and left their toiletries everywhere. They complained about my laundry hamper (in MY room) and said that it was too full. I often retreated back to my room to avoid them, which apparently was offensive, so they reported me for having a boy in my room (I had a friend of mine from high school come to visit and stay in my room). Apparently that was wildly scandalous.
Makeout mania:
I shared a room with a girl who was very inappropriate with her boyfriend around everyone. She would literally roll around on the floor with him making out and grinding while bumping into people. She was also crazy about bedtime, as in absolutely had to go to bed by 7 p.m. sharp every night because she needed “a full night’s rest.” Anytime anyone would make any kind of noise in general she would pound on the walls telling us to be quiet at 8 p.m. on a Friday night. I finally told her off after she yelled at us for being too loud while brushing our teeth and was purposely as loud as I wanted to be until 10 p.m. to remind her that it was my living space too. She either needed to get a white noise machine or learn how to live off of 8-10 hours of sleep! Needless to say, we’re not friends to this day.
The roommate who kept a close eye on you:
I lived with a girl that would constantly watch me get ready when I would go to leave for the shower. As in stop what she was doing, turn around, put her hands in her lap and just watched while I gathered my shower stuff. No words were ever exchanged between us, but there was definitely a lot of awkward eye contact.
The story of the stolen clothes:
My sophomore year I lived with a guy that seemed to be totally cool. We had similar interests in sports teams, food and even had the same major. Apparently we had the same taste in clothes too. One day I came home and noticed that his outfit looked all too familiar. It turns out he had been “borrowing” my clothes for quite some time. I asked him about it and he said that he thought we were good enough friends to where he could just wear my clothes and I’d be okay with it, but I wasn’t. Needless to say I slowly stopped talking to him. The whole situation to me was just…weird.