Pocatello’s Second Saturday contra dance will be held November 12 with Teri Peterson and Eric Limbach teaching and calling the dances, with live music from Barley and Sage (Steve Marty, Bozeman, and Betsy Richards, Salt Lake City) playing the music. The beginners’ session at 7:30 pm is highly recommended for those unfamiliar with this simple, fun, social dance form, and the regular dance starts at 8:00. Contra dance is easy to learn but not automatic, so the beginners’ session is crucial for new comers. The dance takes place at the First Congregational UCC Church, 309 N Garfield (behind Pocatello High School), and is sponsored in part by the Pocatello Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Admission is $6.00 per person (suggested donation).
New dancers are always welcome!
For more information, please email ude.usinull@sirktsua or call (208) 523-3847.