Idaho State University hosted the Pedro Giraudo String Quartet’s performance with the Idaho State-Civic Symphony to promote their album “Strata.” The collaboration highlights Giraudo’s innovative tango music. The event featured talented musicians and offered ISU students a unique opportunity to experience live performances of original compositions.

Giraudo playing string bass during the recording of the album with ISCS. Photo Credit: Benjamin Graham

Hadley Bodell, Editor-in-Chief

Benjamin Graham, Commercial Music Program

Back in 2016, Idaho State University welcomed the Pedro Giraudo String Quartet to join The Idaho State-Civic Symphony for a noteworthy performance. Following that show, the symphony and quartet, in collaboration with the ISU Commerical Music Program, recorded an album on ISU’s record label, City Creek Records. 

Now, Idaho State welcomed back the Pedro Giraudo String Quartet for another performance on Saturday, November 9, with the Idaho State-Civic Symphony marketing the release of their collaborative album titled “Strata.” 

The quartet is joined by Symphony Conductor Nell Flanders as well as Concertmaster Hyeri Choi and Principal Cellist Eleanor Christmen. “Strata” is a groundbreaking collaboration between these two talented groups of musicians. This concert at the Jensen Grand Concert Hall at the Stephens Performing Arts Center was a unique opportunity for ISU students and community members to exclusively hear these pieces live. 

Originally from Argentina, Pedro Giraudo is considered one of the most innovative tango artists in today’s music industry. Giraudo is an award-winning bassist, composer, and arranger who captivates his listeners through his brilliant understanding of rhythm, harmony, melody, and the energy of tango music. His background is primarily in jazz music; however, he’s been exploring classical music recently. 

This album all started with Dr. Nell Flanders. When Flanders began working at ISU, it became a goal to get Giraudo and his quartet to the university for a performance. During this visit, Giraudo met Jonathan Armstrong, the Head and Founder of the Commercial Music Program and Director of Jazz Studies at ISU. 

The collaboration of Armstrong, Flanders, and the quartet led to the February 2016 concert at Idaho State. Following the concert, Professor Armstrong and the Commercial Music Program lead a recording session of the album.

According to Benjamin Graham, a student in the Commercial Music Program, the album consists of eight breathtaking original compositions written by Giraudo for this special occasion. Graham said, “Then there was, of course, the process of production, mixing, mastering, etc., and it has finally come to the point where it’s been recorded, mixed, and mastered. Now, it’s being promoted by a team of individuals.”

The official release of the album happened November 1, however the release concert was November 9 in the Jensen Concert Hall at the Stephens Performing Arts Center from 7:30-10:30 p.m. 

The concert hall was filled with glorious tango tunes all evening, performed first only by the Pedro Giraudo Quartet. Then, the quartet was joined by Choi, Flanders, and Christmen for more incredible performances. They even bowed in the applause, left the stage, and came out again for an encore song. 

Free for ISU students, concerts such as this one at the Stephen’s Performing Arts Center are an excellent opportunity to hear live music on campus. Specifically, incredible world-renowned artists such as the Pedro Giraudo Quartet offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience authentic Italian tango music live. 

It was a privilege to hear the music from “Strata,” the recently released collaborative album created by the quartet, and the Idaho State-Civic Symphony live for the first time since the album’s release. Idaho State University was honored to welcome these talented musicians to the Stephen’s Performing Art Center stage. 

In an interview with Graham, Giraudo said, “It is an experience that is very much on-going…right now there is a team of students working very hard on the release of the album…it’s a very beautiful chemistry with the students and faculty.”

This project was made possible partly through the generous support of the Faye Yost White-Forrey Foundation, whose sponsorship enabled the collaboration between the Pedro Giraudo quartet and The Idaho State-Civic Symphony. 

Hadley Bodell

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New Greenery on Campus

Thu Nov 21 , 2024
New trees are being planted on the ISU campus to replace aging species, addressing threats from pests and age. The Grounds team diversifies tree species to ensure resilience. Ongoing projects include tree planting along 5th Avenue and in the G-1 parking lot.

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