Chloe Reid
With COVID-19 cases skyrocketing nationwide, and Idaho being among the top of the worst states in the nation in terms of local cases, Idaho has had a recent debate between its citizens on the requirement of a statewide mask mandate.
“I’m all for it!” Said ISU freshman, Shilyce Jackson.
President-elect Joe Biden has discussed several times enforcing a nationwide mask mandate once he is inaugurated in January of 2021.
“I think a mask mandate is 100% fair, it’s slightly annoying but it’s the right thing to do and it shouldn’t bother people as much as it does,” said ISU freshman, Harper Piatt.
However, Idaho’s governor, Brad Little, is currently opposing the requirement of masks statewide. Little’s argument is that different cities and counties have different needs.
Rexburg ,which houses BYU-Idaho, located within Madison County has no current mask mandates, yet is the biggest hotspot in the state. Boise, Eagle, Meridian and surrounding areas, located within Ada County, have had a mask mandate since July. However, the Boise Police Department (BPD) has yet to have issued a single citation or warning to those refusing to follow the mandate, allowing masks to still stand as a controversial topic for most citizens.
BPD mentioned to the Idaho Statesman that they opt to educate people who aren’t following the order. Educating is part of the process to a full recovery, but with the consistent uprising of cases in Idaho, many citizens are left wondering about the effectiveness of simply educating others.
Twin Falls has been another city to succumb to a harsh amount of COVID cases this winter, with the hospital that serves the area being so overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients that they had to send many to hospitals hours away.
Despite this, many Idahoans oppose the increase in mask regulations throughout the state, for several different reasons.
Idaho House Speaker Scott Bedke believes that enforcing masks statewide could bring up lines that he is not ready to cross.
“Are you ready to tattle on your neighbor?” said Bedke, during the Idaho Legislature’s special session.
“You’re going to see a lot of infractions that the mask police aren’t going to see, and I don’t think we’re ready to go there as a society.”
Many Idaho citizens are also opposed to wearing masks for other reasons, such as the common arguments of reduced breathing ability, medical reasons, or masks actual ability to work.
Viki Purdy, a Southwest District Health trustee, wrote on her Facebook page in late July in opposition to the mask mandate.
“Enough with the masks! They don’t work and they definitely can hurt you!”
Many Idaho citizens feel that the masks provided are insufficient, due to the rising amount of COVID cases in Idaho as a whole despite many people still wearing them in social settings. However, in a study conducted by Health Affairs, an online healthcare journal & magazine, it has been found that the use of face masks could have potentially averted anywhere from 250,000 cases to 450,000 cases nationally before May 22.
With fewer and fewer Idahoans wearing masks, especially in the southeastern area, the danger of catching and spreading the illness has gone up significantly in certain areas. A survey conducted by The Idaho State Journal shows Idaho as being the 4th highest state in the nation to show anti-mask activity as a whole.
Despite many Idahoans still participating in wearing a face-covering when outside, those many Idahoans can still be described as a dangerous amount. Masks’ effectiveness declines significantly the less they are worn, as masks are the most effective when worn by tested positive individuals. If a positive individual chose to not wear a mask and went out in public, those who are negative for the disease but still wear a mask, still have a high chance of catching it from the person who tested positive. While masks have a possibility to increase productivity alongside the increasing number of people that wear them, if Idaho doesn’t act and put a heavier mandate on masks, COVID-19 could potentially act in its own way. Heavier mask restrictions could certainly lead to more people wearing them, overall reducing risk. While mask-wearing isn’t the only preventive measure to protect our community from COVID-19, they most certainly can help. No matter what Idaho’s views on masks are, it’s important regardless to keep a sense of community during these daunting times.
As someone who has rebelled to States with mask mandates, it has nothing to do with what idaho speaker of the house bedke is alleging; businesses and peer pressure conduct the enforcement. No one wants to be the shunned non-believer. Idaho needs to stop listening to morons and start listening to those who are educated. Vote out ineptitude.