Madison Long
Staff Writer
The 2003 romantic comedy, “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” revolves around ad executive Benjamin Barry betting that he can make any woman fall in love with him, while magazine writer Andie Anderson is dedicated to getting real-life experience for her article on how to lose a guy. The two meet, and the 10-day challenge begins. As per the rom-com plot, after various twists and fights, relationships are mended by the end, and the two drive Ben’s motorcycle off into the sunset.
But does this actually work? It just might through my 10 steps to help you find your perfect partner at college!
STEP 1: Know What You Want.
Typically easier said than done, although you can’t expect men (or women) to fall at your feet while you remain emotionally unavailable. Take time for yourself first and foremost, so you can understand what makes you comfortable, safe, and feel loved. Then, you can start searching for eye candy.
STEP 2: Clean Up and Feel Confident
“Dress to impress,” not necessarily for anyone else, but wear clothes and dress up in a way that makes you feel confident. College is a time for exploring, so take some risks – try out that new style or hairdo – you might love it, but you just never gave yourself the excuse to try it. A good outfit and hygiene can go a long way!
STEP 3: Get Yourself Out There
Strut your stuff! College is the prime time to explore and learn some new hobbies. Join a new club, say yes to open doors, partner up with someone new, or take up billiards night with your friends. “Mr. Right” just might be in the Grilled Cheese Club.
STEP 4: Start a Genuine Conversation
Once you’ve picked your target, go in for the kill. Eye candy also has hobbies, likes, dislikes, pets, and a sweet grandma back home that they would love to talk about. Start by being friends and learning to enjoy the person they are.
STEP 5: Be BOLD, Ask for Their Number
Yes, you could get rejected, but on a campus with thousands of students, you probably won’t see them again. Or, they’ll be mature and nice enough to not let it affect the friendship you already have going on. Think of it this way – if they reject you, you’ve effectively warded off the bad ones.
STEP 6: Keep Good Communication
Once you’ve made it past the rejection stage, you’ve entered the “talking phase.” Nobody really knows what this phase is or does, but just keep talking. Make sure you tell them about yourself, let them ask questions and also bring it back to them. It’s like a game of catch, going back and forth and asking genuine questions.
STEP 7: Be Yourself
Maybe avoid unleashing every bit of crazy you have saved for your best friends, but also don’t hide anything either. If they like you, they’ll naturally enjoy the person you are. Girls – don’t dumb down your smarts for a guy; guys – don’t be afraid to show emotion.
STEP 8: Suggest a Hang-Out
After getting to know your person for a while, suggest a date or casual hang-out! This is a great way to see how they act “in the wild” versus behind a phone screen. However, this can be tricky in college. Avoid going to their house or sometimes even going on a date alone to avoid unwanted connotations. No “Netflix and Chill!”
STEP 9: Take it Slow; Let Them Set the Pace
We want to be in control of our relationships and rush the timing because we’re naturally impatient. However, that doesn’t always lead to good results. Let your partner show you that they care about you. Make time for them and set expectations that fall above the bar!
Here’s where we hit STEP 10: Enjoy the Game!
Here, you need to remember to cherish the people close to you, whether in the form of a relationship or a friendship. Unfortunately, every relationship will fail until “the one” that doesn’t. Enjoy the experience and set boundaries that protect you in the long run.
Good luck! Disclaimer: I cannot be held legally responsible if this doesn’t work; people be crazy!