Highlighting Outstanding Student Achievement

Jack Sherlock


Idaho State University prides itself on their wide range of opportunities for academic, professional and technical success. With over 250 programs in varying realms of interest and studies, ISU caters to the niches of thousands of students, making success reasonably attainable for many.

Among the general community of the best and brightest students here at ISU, there is a special collection of exceptional students that are committed, passionate and extraordinary when it comes to their field of study — these students are recognized for their hard work and are then made recipients of Idaho State University’s Outstanding Student Achievement Award.

The ISU Alumni Association meets annually to review nominations submitted by faculty, staff and students for recognition of their fellow Bengals in all their excellence. Each recipient of this prestigious award is a graduating student who displays academic excellence, leadership experience and exceptional service to their respective colleges.

This year, the Alumni Association named 13 graduating students as the recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Student Achievement Award, Claudia Yvette Maldonado Merino was one of those students. Maldonado is a first-generation college student in the College of Arts and Letters that studies as a tri-major student, pursuing degrees in political science, Spanish and global studies.

A recent graduate back in December of 2020, Maldonado will continue their education this Spring to develop a complete thesis specific to one of their majors.

In addition to thesis work, Maldonado is working on graduate school applications to pursue a master’s degree in international affairs or public administration, while also considering law school as the next step. Maldonado’s ultimate goal is to become a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State. Their passion for foreign affairs and immigrant relations is the driving force behind their studies, and they’re ultimately looking for a job that combines their interests and passions into that of a meaningful career.

When asking Maldonado about how they feel about their recent status as an Outstanding Student, they said, “I am incredibly humbled to be the recipient of this award.” Maldonado continues to extend gratitude by saying “I think it’s important to note that many of the opportunities and success I had are due in large part to the people I had around me. My family, along with their own incredible support, have been a great example of grit and determination. I owe much of my work ethic to them. My friends have also been a great support system and inspiration on their own.”

When asked how they got to this point or what tools they found useful, Maldonado continued to say “Additionally, I have had wonderful professors and mentors here at ISU that not only helped me develop my knowledge and interests, but motivated me to push my comfort zone, allowing me to develop the confidence to pursue some great opportunities.”

Maldonado summarized by stating that they did not work hard with intentions to receive this award, but rather they worked hard for themselves and followed the advice of advisors to get to where they are now.

“While I have done well in my classes and I have had some great opportunities, it’s important to note that I’ve also had some classes or assignments that didn’t go very well, and opportunities that I didn’t get,” Maldonado said. “I think it’s important to learn to bounce back from those experiences and not let them deter you.”