Brenna Patrick Staff Writer New cultural awareness is the goal of this year’s Indian Night, which will be held Saturday, Nov. 2. Tickets are $6 for ISU students, $7 for faculty and staff and $9 for the public. They can be purchased in the Rendezvous and PSUB from 10 a.m. […]
All about life on campus at Idaho State University. This includes club events, activities sponsored by Union Programs Council and the Student Activities Board.
Chris Banyas Staff Writer “I don’t know if I’m interesting but I’m a people.” This phrase was uttered by a man born and raised in India, who was educated there and in the U.S., and who eventually became an English professor at Idaho State University. After traveling the world in […]
Samantha Chaffin News Editor A trip to Paris, France, is many girls’ dream but a recent trip to Paris, Idaho, gave ISU student Rachel Munson the surprise of her life when her boyfriend proposed using a flashmob of singing high schoolers. On Wednesday, Oct. 2, Nelson Bishop and Munson took […]
Brenna Patrick Staff Writer The Idaho State-Civic Symphony appointed Grant Harville as the new director of the nearly 100-year-old orchestra this year. When Harville came to ISU, he said it was nice knowing there were good people waiting for him. It wasn’t just the staff and orchestra that he put […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Halloween is fast approaching, which means it’s just about time to suit up! For college students, finding a great Halloween costume and not going broke can be a tricky line to toe. Since we at “The Bengal” understand the effort it takes to find easy, affordable […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Students have come to Pocatello for a number of reasons: academic programs, athletics or the chance to live somewhere new. For 22-year-old Michael Aguirre, it was the chance to become who he was meant to be. A Fresno, Calif., native, Aguirre’s family moved to the area […]
Nicole Blanchard Editor-in-Chief When it comes to traditional Shoshone-Bannock legends, education is key. Knowledge, values and morals are passed on through tales about clever tricksters like the coyote or a myriad of other characters. Education is also the goal for Alexandria Alvarez, Shoshone-Bannock tribe member, ISU student and winner of […]
Brenna Patrick Staff Writer As the leaves begin to change, Pocatello invites residents to participate in fall activities all around the region. Pocatello is known for being cold in the fall but that shouldn’t stop people from staying active and having fun. Though the weather outside is frightful, there is […]
Chris Banyas Staff Writer The following situation sounds like a script for a holiday episode of CSI, but it is the very real experience of Donald Wyckoff. Imagine standing before the scene of a murder. It is your job to process the evidence left behind. The murderer is still somewhere […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Grab your wands and don your house colors, because Muggle Magic is returning to Pocatello. The second annual Harry Potter-themed educational event will be Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Idaho Museum of Natural History. Attendees may just think they’re on the receiving end of a Cheering […]
Chris Banyas Staff Writer The number of undergraduate students registered for the fall 2012 semester at Idaho State University was 12,820. Of these, 5,407 were over the age of 24, meaning 42 percent of all undergraduate students for the semester were nontraditional students. According to the Office of Institutional Research […]
Brenna Patrick Staff Writer To give students and community members the opportunity to experience the outdoors, ISU’s Outdoor Adventure Center is open to all. The OAC has brochures in its lobby and on its website listing the activities it offers. Each activity is accompanied by a description of the adventure […]
Chris Banyas Staff Writer There is an electric feeling in the air, for which the upcoming performance of “The Philadelphia Story” is responsible. As I am guided through the various workshops of the Stephens Performing Arts center, I stand on the stage in awe. Theatre professor Norm Schroder enters a […]
Brenna Patrick Staff Writer Earlier this summer a student reading room was renovated in the Liberal Arts building to allow students to access a quiet place to study. The room is open to anyone. English and Philosophy Department Chair Jennifer Attebery said, “We do a meet-and-greet every year for our […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Imagine a test that could tell you if you are a carrier of disease, likely to have certain cancers or certain to develop a degenerative disorder. Would you take it? In Idaho State University Biology Professor Michael Thomas’s senior seminar class, 15 students took that test. […]