K-lene Kuhn Staff Writer Melissa Bodily, a theater major, presented her senior performance, “Life, Love and Loss: A Senior Recital,” on Wednesday, Jan. 15, in the Black Box Theater at the Stephens Performing Arts Center. The recital was a compilation of pieces of work Bodily borrowed from plays, including “A […]
All about life on campus at Idaho State University. This includes club events, activities sponsored by Union Programs Council and the Student Activities Board.
Idaho State University is bringing back the Roaring Twenties this New Year’s Eve. Local people have the chance to wine, dine and enjoy first rate entertainment from the era of “The Great Gatsby,” at the 2013-14 New Year’s Eve Gala. And it’s all to benefit students at Idaho State University. […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Hello fellow Bengals! We’re in the midst of holiday season, and, if you’re anything like me, you haven’t started shopping for presents yet. In my (our?) defense, who even has time to think about gifts when we’re trying to survive finals, right? Well, don’t worry, because […]
Chris Banyas Staff Writer Wintertime can bring a variety of issues that we don’t have to worry about during the rest of the year, and many of these issues affect our vehicles and overall safety. Campus Public Safety’s mission is “the safety and security of our students, faculty and staff […]
Brenna Patrick Staff Writer Beginning in January the new Benny’s Pantry program will commence in room 120 of the Pond Student Union Building. According to ISU’s First Lady Laura Vailas, who initiated the project, the goal of the pantry is to distribute non-perishable foods to any faculty member or student of Idaho […]
Nicole Blanchard Editor-in-Chief Adorned in intricate outfits of beads, buckskin, turquoise and other handmade goods, Taylor Thomas and Chastity Lee look like royalty. That’s because they are – crowned Miss Shoshone-Bannock and Miss Native ISU, respectively, Thomas and Lee are focused on bringing traditional aspects of their cultures to light. […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Around this time of year, news stories are often full of heartwarming stories about community members helping the less fortunate. However, an Idaho State University business management class quietly works to help others year round. In Alex Bolinger’s 4000-level Organizational Behavior class, each semester’s class is […]
Chris Banyas Staff Writer Seasonal change brings about many beautiful and exciting things. You may have noticed, however, that it seems to be getting dark roughly around the time you finish your lunch. This change in daylight hours along with other factors can lead to seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, […]
Nicole Blanchard Editor-in-Chief Michael Callender is a student at Idaho State University. He is a musician, an entrepreneur, a world traveler and a music enthusiast among many other things. He is also a canvas. Callender, like so many other students at ISU, has tattoos. But his can’t be covered with […]
Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Students at Idaho State University aren’t shy about expressing their personal interests through student organizations. Clubs on campus include the Brony Club (a My Little Pony-themed group) and the Anime Club, alongside the more traditional academic and cultural clubs. One of the newest clubs on campus […]
Chris Banyas Staff Writer Many American as well as international groups have scrambled to collect and offer aid for those affected by the destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Phillipines. The storm was one of the worst storms the Philippines has ever faced, leaving thousands of individuals dead […]
Samantha Chaffin News Editor Idaho State University alumna Lisa Cresswell published her newest book, “Hush Puppy,” earlier this year and will hold a reading and discussion followed by a book signing at Marshall Public Library in Pocatello on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 11 a.m. This is Cresswell’s first traditionally-published novel […]
Samantha Chaffin News Editor Idaho State University’s Union Program Council (UPC) will host the third annual Tree Lighting Festival on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. The tree lighting will be held at the quad entrance of the Student Union Building and is free to the ISU community as well […]
Brenna Patrick Staff Writer As winter comes down on Pocatello, people may find it easier to hide inside and stop exercising. Don’t assume that because it’s cold there is no way to stay active and that it can’t be fun. Campus Recreation and the Wellness Center in Reed Gym have […]
Nicole Blanchard Editor-in-Chief With the final days of summer gone for good and winter well on its way, outdoor enthusiasts in the Pocatello area may be asking themselves what activity options remain. The promise of snow might be a damper for some, but for others, including the staff of Idaho […]