ASISU update


There are some University Committees who are looking for students to serve:

Senator Pascali volunteered to be on the be on a Bengal committee.

Senator Jensen volunteered to be on the Strategic Planning Committee.

Senator Mahesh Mahat volunteered to be on the SUB Facilities Committee

Martin Luther King Junior Day is on Monday and will be an ISU service day. Senators are encouraged to participate.

Senator Lamichhane, Senator Medasetti, and Finance Officer Acharya resigned from ASISU. d. Lowell approved the placement of ASISU lettering above the hallway so students know where to find our office.


ISU Nutrition MS Program and ISU Robotics Club both requested contingency funds.

They will be presenting next week. ii. Motion to approve the fall 2019 incentive point value at $3.03 per point: APPROVED