All around the world: ISU hosts multicultural event

Three people look at display.Alex Mosher

Staff Writer

On Friday, Nov. 9, the Student Activities Board (SAB) hosted an All Around the World event at the Wood River room in the Pond Student Union Building.

The event was intended to allow children within the community to experience different customs and cultures found around the world.

The Democratic Republic of Congo's booth featured artwork“Many kids do not have the opportunity to see [what] other countries are like,” said SAB family programmer Saira Terriquez-Carrillo. “So this event is for them to see the wonderful things found in different cultures.”

Activities such as food tasting, traditional music and dress and lots of dancing were a big part of the nights event. Different clubs put together booths each representing a country ranging from Afghanistan to Peru.

“It reaches the public that we are more alike than different and that there is nothing to fear,” said Terriquez-Carrillo.

ISU students representing Canada make pancakes for All Around the World Night.