Welcome Back Orange and Black 

Welcome back to ISU, Bengals!

Trystyn Miller


As summer comes to a close and the fall semester begins once again, the students at ISU are faced with a daunting task: managing busy schedules. Though getting back into classes can be difficult, there is no better feeling than moving closer to your goals. The summer is a time for fun, but when that comes to an end, we have something exciting to look forward to – the school year! I talked to students around campus to get a better understanding of how they were feeling at the start of the fall semester. I spoke with Claire Horton, who stated, “I love being back in class; being able to use my brain again and engage in class … excites me about school. Being further into my degree has helped a lot with my schedule management. I don’t feel extremely stressed so far this semester.” Other students express the mixed feelings involved with school. According to Claire Horton, “ I love the start of a new semester, but it can get overly busy once we get into the bulk of the work. It gets more difficult to stay caught up once everything starts moving faster.”  Students are excited, but it is also a stressful time. 

According to another student, the start of a new semester is a great time for “building new connections, [and] I am looking forward to my classes, as well as the football season. But even more than that, I really look forward to meeting new people outside of football.” The start of a new semester truly is the time to make new friends and meet new people. 

I also wanted to get a staff member’s opinion on the start of the year. According to Felice Otero, the Associate Dean of Students, “I like the beginning of the year; it has an increased energy on campus, [and] it is a new beginning for students and staff to try new things and have a great year. As a student myself, I like the start of the year too! I look forward to meeting new people, getting my books…I like my new notebooks, [and]… my highlighters…the energy on campus is the best!” 

Personally, I find the start of the school year an exciting time filled with fun activities! Having a new schedule and classes is exciting, even though I am sad to see summer leave. Camps in the fall have always been my favorite time of year, and I look forward to it every year. One of the things I look forward to the most is meeting my new professors. I always try to get into classes with my favorite teachers, but it doesn’t always work out that way. I get excited to meet new people in the department. I think the English Department has some of the best professors on campus!

Luckily, ISU offers many activities to break up the monotony of everyday classes. Some things to look forward to throughout the semester are Homecoming (which is the week of September 16th-21st), ISU athletics, and more. Some of the current activities on the schedule are zumba, yoga, spinning, and much more! If you are looking for something other than a physical activity, those are also offered. Bingo, movie nights, and even a rodeo: these are all things that are free to current students. Be sure to check the ISU Event calendar for a weekly schedule of events (https://www.isu.edu/calendar/

Unfortunately, not all students feel this way when it comes to school. Though ISU offers many resources and activities for students, it can be easy to succumb to the stresses of the semester. As the year continues, do not forget to take time for yourself! Take breaks when you need them! If you ever feel like you are becoming too overwhelmed, make sure to take advantage of ISU’s mental health services. For help, call (208) 282-2130 to schedule an appointment (https://www.isu.edu/counselingcenter/).  Enjoy your semester! 

Photos by John Roark, ISU Marketing and Communications

Trystyn Miller

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