Improv comedy group, The Society, will return to Idaho State University for the fourth time on Saturday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. in the Frazier Hall auditorium. Pre-show tickets are $8 for students and $10 for the general public, with prices increasing by $2 at the door.
The ISU International Studies and Travel Association brought The Society to Pocatello as a fundraising event for their trip to Europe this spring break.
“We will be going all through Germany and to Switzerland and the top of Italy,” said Lori Warren, the club’s adviser.
Warren said students can expect “a variety of experiences” including gondola rides in Venice, a tour of the Dachau concentration camp and a visit to the Neuschwanstein castle which Disney’s Cinderella castle is modeled after.
“We’ll also be going to Verona, where the inspiration for Romeo and Juliet came from,” Warren added.
Funds from The Society’s performance will help take the financial burden off students traveling abroad with the group, as well as offer a Valentine’s Day-themed chance for students to enjoy a professional-caliber comedy show.
“Their performance is so unique and so fun that I knew it would be a great thing to bring them here to Pocatello,” Warren said. “We’ve had such a fun time every single time and people have asked me, ‘When are they going to come back?’”
Members of the comedy group have been featured in a variety of movies, television shows and commercials, including recent Black Friday commercials for Target, “The Three Stooges” and “Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed.”
The Society performs in an improv style similar to that of “Whose Line is it Anyway?” complete with an improvised musical at the end of their set.
“Students can expect to see professional comedians who have worked on movies and TV,” Warren said. “It’s a great deal and the event is going to be a phenomenal event for a good cause. We want to keep The Society coming back.”
She added that the club hopes to fill the auditorium.
“The more people, the more fun it is,” she said, explaining that audience participation plays a role in the group’s routines.
The International Studies and Travel association will be going to Italy and Greece for spring break of 2014. Warren said students can go on the trip for three to six college credits, enabling them to use student loans to help pay for their travels.
For more information on either trip or to find out more about The Society, contact Lori Warren at ude.usinull@irolrraw.