Sven Alskog
Sports Editor

With Idaho State University already boasting some of the top club teams in the region, first year pharmacy graduate student Hayden Shuster is looking to bring lacrosse to the university as well.
To become a full-fledged club at ISU, lacrosse has to have at least 12 members and a constitution, among other requirements.
So far, the interest level in the new club proposal has been high, with recruiting efforts taking place around campus.
“My hopeful timeline would be collecting names of people who are interested the next couple weeks and next week or the week after having a meeting to handle paperwork, make a constitution to become an actual club and start moving forward with getting a team together and playing other schools in the future,” said Shuster.
The man looking to create the team is one with plenty of experience with the sport, having played collegiately at Wells College in Aurora, New York.
During Shuster’s time at Wells he played all four years, being named a captain beginning his sophomore year. As a result, he no longer has eligibility, meaning coaching would become focus number one should ISU play opposing schools.
Having a platform in place with what has worked and not worked for club teams at the university previously has given him a good baseline when looking for what could make a lacrosse club team successful as well.
“I want to try to model it after the success of other teams,” stated Shuster. “Rugby and baseball have been very successful. This year I want to bring interest to the sport and then moving forward start to play other schools and become competitive.”
The sport of lacrosse is one of the fastest growing in the United States, something which many credit to the uniqueness of it in comparison to other sports.
“It’s unlike any other sport most people have ever played; a lot of fun and addicting in a good way. The lacrosse community is very tight and everybody involved treats others with respect. It’s a good way to meet people and have fun,” said Shuster.
Fun is what the club team is all about, with participants of all skill levels being encouraged to come out and give lacrosse a try, regardless of previous experience.
“I would say if someone is new they should try it and most of the time it becomes addicting and it is fun to learn,” said Shuster. “Most people don’t start off that great. There is a reason most division one players have played since they were younger. But once you start to learn it you get hooked.”
It will be baby steps early to try raising interest and developing a core group of students to become part of the club.
“This is going to be a club team designed to have fun and learn how to play a sport you might not know a lot about. Once we start actually playing other teams we can become more competitive and put more time into practice. If down the road everyone is saying, ‘we want to start winning games and practicing every day,’ that’s great,” said Shuster.
Born in New Jersey, Shuster moved to Idaho when he was about 10, eventually attending Sandpoint High School. He has been playing lacrosse since he was in seventh grade and hopes to bring an interest and excitement about the sport now to ISU.
Those interested in becoming involved or looking for further information can email Shuster at ude.usinull@dyahsuhs. All skill levels among men and women are encouraged to participate.