Idaho State University junior and sign language studies student Kimberly Paige is in the running to compete for the title of Mrs. Idaho 2014.
Paige has been at ISU for three semesters and is studying sign language with the hopes of working with the hearing impaired. Her interest in sign language began when, as a child, she befriended deaf students and wanted to learn how to sign to communicate with them.
“I grew up in Meridian, Idaho, and once I got married to my best friend, his work brought us over to Pocatello,” said Paige.
Paige said that the Mrs. Idaho pageant appealed to her as it allows women to balance family with the competition, and many of the women competing are family oriented. Paige and her husband have two daughters, ages two years and 14 months, so balancing home with school and competition is a priority for the Mrs. Idaho competitor.
With a platform of “fit and fresh families,” Paige runs a blog aiming to promote healthy families.
“I post on ways that families can make little changes in their families health,” said Paige.
Her blog is located at www.freshandfitfamily.blogspot.com.
Paige gives ideas beneficial to any family hoping to stay healthy, like incorporating physical activity into watching movies like “Harry Potter” and encouraging kids to round out their diets with vegetables.
After the birth of her most recent daughter, entering the pageant was a way to encourage herself to get fit again, said Paige.
The Mrs. Idaho America pageant is currently accepting applicants for participation in the 2014 pageant, with actual competition taking place in 2013. Applications can be found at www.mrsidahoamerica.com.
“The Mrs. Idaho America pageant is still looking for a Mrs. Pocatello and a Mrs. Portneuf Valley,” said Paige.