Andrea Diaz
Staff Writer
Associated students of Idaho State University or ASISU held speeches for senator positions. A student from each college got the opportunity to introduce themselves and give a short speech on why they would be a good candidate and then they were asked questions by the hosts of the event. Each candidate then had the opportunity to be asked questions by the public.
The first candidate that spoke was Taylor Nybar and he was running to be the senator from the College of Education. In Taylor’s speech he mentioned that students are a big part of the community here in Pocatello and so he wanted student involvement in the community would be something he would want to improve. “I have been in a lot of activities and I have helped students discover campus and put it in their first year in a positive light.” said Taylor when talking about his experience as a first year mentor. When asked about what led him to run he said that he is highly involved in activities.
The next speaker was Alex Gurrero from the College of Science and Engineering. He asked many students what they would like to see change and what was a current problem they had, one of the problems was that the University was spending 8.3 million on a new alumni building. Another problem Alex noticed is accessibility to clubs through the ISU website. When asked about what makes a good leader Alex said that he is always unapologetically himself and it is important to be yourself.
Representing the College of Health Professions was Rubi Upreti. She talked about making a stronger student and community bond with the university and having a more open communication. Rubi was asked about what she thought the university’s strengths and weaknesses were. She thought the strengths was that the university has a lot of opportunities for the students whether it be on-campus jobs or resources the university provides. Some of the weaknesses she thought included a lack of information with the student and resources. A lot of students don’t know all the resources they have at their fingertips.
From College of Nursing was Brandon Reid. He has been in E.M.S for 5 years and he went into detail about how the qualities he learned from E.M.S will help in the senator position such as: act quickly, do what is right, and do what needs to be done. Something that he wanted to work on as senator is to get the ASISU name out there, he is not sure about how to do that university wide however he would talk to his classmates and get the name out there in the nursing college.
“No one has the same opinion and so it is good to hear from many people. It is also good to just be quiet and listen to other people.” said Reid.

Last, but not least, Zander Webb represented the College of Business. He spoke about the university’s need for more parking and more community involvement through local clubs. When asked about what weakness he thought he could work on he mentioned time management. He is a full-time student with multiple jobs and so that is something that takes up a lot of his time, but he doesn’t want it to get in the way of his responsibilities as a senator.