Kyra Finner
Staff Writer
A new year’s resolution can be a very daunting task for any busy college student but it doesn’t have to be so complicated to be a good goal. Some of the more popular resolutions include saving money, getting a new job, reading more, and adopting new hobbies. Whether you go for something more traditional like eating healthier or exercising more, or you choose to be more creative with your resolution, it can be a rewarding experience every new year. About 40-45% of Americans make a new year’s resolution but by the second week of January, 25% abandon them. It can be encouraging to see what other people have made their resolutions and how successful they have been with them. As a college student, there are a ton of great things you can do to create and accomplish a resolution this year. Here’s the take from several ISU students during this new year.
Adler Patch – Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering; Class of 2022
“I want to eat less fast food this year because it’s expensive and it can get bland after a while. Learning how to cook is a quintessential skill and if I want to have a family I need to know how to do it successfully. It’s an added bonus that women love men who can cook.”
Kaden Marchetti – Honor’s Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science; Class of 2021
“I would like to make it on the Dean’s list this year because it’s incredibly hard to do while taking 4000 level computer science and math classes. I want to be vigilant with my work and do something to make myself really proud by the end of the semester.”
John Bollinger – Bachelor’s of Science in Political Science, Philosophy, and Sociology and a minor in Gender and Sexuality; Class of 2021
“I don’t believe in resolutions! I don’t think we should wait for a new year to start our goals because we can start them and achieve them whenever we want. However, I am working on being more mindful through meditation which is a good goal for me.”
Colton Bachman – Bachelors in Computer Science; Class of 2022
“I want to pass calculus 2 with an A this semester. School is really important to me and I want to prove to myself that I can accomplish success in a really hard class.”
Zachery Morris – Bachelor’s of Music Education; Class of 2022
“My resolution is to spend less time in my dorm room and try to be more involved in group activities.”
Nyele Alvarez – Bachelor’s in Corporate Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations; Class of 2021
“I want to stop my bad habits. I have already worked on getting rid of the things that trigger and cause these bad habits. I have had to ask my friends for support and to accept when I have to say no to things because they encourage the habits I’m trying to get rid of. Luckily they have been really helpful so far.”
Gabe Foley – Associates in Deisel Tech; Class of 2022
“This year I want to get up on time every morning. I plan to do this by actually going to bed earlier and getting all of my work done on time. I also need to get off of TikTok and stop watching it for hours into the night haha.”
Nick Wiebe – Associates in Industrial Cyber Security; Class of 2020
“This semester I want to really buckle down on school by not being lazy and motivating myself to work towards my goals. As it’s my last semester I want to end it really strong.”