The International Affairs Council (IAC)provides students with varying opportunities as they work throughout the year to plan the Frank Church Symposium that takes place at ISU.
This will be the 42nd year of the symposium, which takes place in early spring, and the IAC is in charge of planning every aspect of the event. This year, the symposium topic will be “Leadership and Power: Struggles of a Contemporary World.”
“The topics are very broad [to allow for a variety of options] that all in attendance and in the club can be interested in,” explained President Zandra Higley.
The club officers are currently comprised of mostly upper-classmen, therefore, they are looking for new, enthusiastic members to help fill those leadership roles.
She added that elections for next year’s officers would be held during the upcoming spring semester.
“By stepping up and taking on a leadership role, you really become a leader,” explained Higley.
By participating in the club, Higley said students are able to network, add to their resume and have a lot of fun while becoming more aware of events and more knowledgeable as a whole.
Higley encourages any and all students to join the club or to at least come to a meeting to see what it is all about. She added that while many members are International Studies and Political Science majors, there is a broad representation of majors involved in the club and the variety makes it more fun for everyone involved.
The IAC’s meetings are in the form of an upper-division one-credit class that anyone who wants to be involved with the club can sign up for in either the fall or spring semester but you don’t have to take the class to be a member of the club.
The class is called “International Symposium” and can be found in the international studies department.
“At the end of [the symposium], it’s almost like your world has been changed,” said Higley.
Higley said that one of the best parts about being involved in the IAC is being able to see all of your hard work throughout the semester or the year become something that has a visible meaning, adding that many hands make light work.
“It’s a great experience,” said Higley. “I’ve made some of my best friends being involved in the IAC.”
The 42nd annual Frank Church Symposium will be held from Feb. 27 through March 1, 2013.
More Club Information
President: Zandra Higley
Vice President: Gary Stroschein
Adviser: Raphael Njoku
Members: approximately 15 to 20 members
Officers: Secretary Susan Schafer, Correspondence Chair Walter Radovich, Host Chair Meagan Herrman
Category: Academic
Meetings: Wednesdays from 12 to 12:50 p.m. in the Snake River Room of the SUB, 3rd floor.
Mission: To further the community and university’s knowledge on topics and to open topics up for relevant discussion via the Frank Church Symposium.
Contact Info: Email President Zandra Higley at ude.usinull@dnazlgih.