In It For the Long Run
Registration is currently ongoing for Idaho State University’s Girls and Women in Sports Day Celebration. The event itself takes place on Saturday, Feb. 9, beginning at 8 a.m. and ending at 11:30. The event is open for girls in grades K-6.
Girls and Women in Sports Day has been proclaimed by Congress every year since 1987, although ISU has only participated in the day since 1999.
While initially small, the modern day event has gained significant attention. The event has been dubbed Idaho National Girls and Women in Sports Day by both the mayor of Pocatello and that of Chubbuck, as well as by Idaho Governor C.L. Butch Otter.
The theme for this year’s event is “In It For the Long Run.”
The event offers multiple sports for the attending girls to take part in. Ainsley Edgar, an event organizer, comments that many of the events will be ones that the girls have “never had the opportunity to try for themselves…Hopefully they find something they enjoy — like yoga — that is something that they can continue to do.”
All told, the day will offer 20 different sports and activities to take part in. Some of these more unusual events include pool kayaking, rock climbing and fencing.
Each girl participating will be able to choose a first, second and third choice for each of the three event time periods. Organizers will fill in each event based upon a girl’s preferences.
Events will be led by a variety of ISU female athletes, physical education and wellness majors, faculty and members of the community. Over 200 volunteers are working to make this event happen.
Multiple ISU departments and clubs are also participating, as well as the Girl Scouts of the Silver Sage Council.
While the ultimate goal of Girls and Women in Sports Day is to emphasize the importance of female participation in sports, the ISU chapter also hopes to inspire healthy, active lifestyles.
When the event debuted in 1999, only one hundred girls participated. However, organizers anticipate roughly 300 girls attending this year, and over 100 have already registered.
Edgar is enthusiastic about the predicted attendance, as well as the planned activities. “It’s going to be a crazy day but it’s going to be a fun event,” she said.
Pre-registration per girl is $12 but registration is still available after the pre-registration deadline of Monday, Feb. 1. However, the prices change at that point to $14 per registration.
Registration is available online at www.active.com/other-camp/pocatello-id/ngwsd-at-idaho-state-university. For questions or comments, contact the ISU Department of Sport Science and Physical Education at 282-2657.