Nicole’s Niche The double standard of dressing up “Ho, ho, ho” isn’t just a phrase reserved for the winter holidays. It seems to me that it starts getting thrown around quite a bit in October, just as soon as female Halloween costumes hit store shelves. From the time us women […]

Still time to catch up on issues In my apartment, it’s not unusual to see my roommates and me tuning in to some sort of fluff television. Lately this includes Halloween classics like “Hocus Pocus” or “The Addams Family.” But recently we can also be found viewing something ever-so-slightly more […]

Dealing with grieving Thus far in my life I have been fortunate enough to experience only a minimal amount of loss. The few deaths I have had to deal with have been slightly removed from my immediate friends and family and, unfortunately, were not entirely unexpected. However, in light of […]

With this year’s elections really starting to get underway, it’s hard to look at a newspaper, turn on the television or even have a conversation without some mention of political goings-on. At this point it’s even becoming impossible for me to look at just about any form of social networking […]

For better or for worse? Every year the end of summer sees me dragging my feet and digging my heels in against the start of classes. Maybe it’s the loss of free time (and freedom?) or the stress of so much change at once but I’ve never been able to […]