Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the limits it has placed on having in-person events, Idaho State University was still able to have its second Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration using a combination of Zoom and Facebook Live.  Starting October 12, which is nationally recognized as Indigenous Peoples Day, ISU hosted workshops, […]

Anytime we lose a member of the Bengal family, it sends shockwaves far and wide throughout the community here at Idaho State University. The loss of Bill McCurdy, a longtime contributor to our university and to those that wander the grounds was no exception to these powerful feelings of loss.  […]

On Monday morning, billions of people around the world woke up to the unthinkable: was gone. This wasn’t something that could be solved by refreshing a page, or by resetting a router. The reason that Facebook, as well as Instagram and WhatsApp, were inaccessible was because for six hours […]

As the colder weather starts rolling in, a more daunting and ill-ridden variable of the coming winter rolls along with it — flu season. Symptoms like fevers, chills, muscle aches, and runny noses are rampant in the community during flu season, and oftentimes more severe consequences of influenza virus, like […]

It is no secret that COVID-19 is once again becoming more of a concern. According to the New York Times, “As of Sept. 1, 2021, there are 1,168 new COVID-19 cases in Idaho. When Idaho was at its peak in COVID-19 cases in December there were 2,266 new cases daily. This increase in cases can be attributed to people’s behavior.