Lesley Brey Reporter The end of the semester is a wonderful time, but especially in the spring. The grass is turning green, the birds are returning, the trees are waking up and the temperature is rising. Soon, summer will be upon us, free of papers or finals, but alongside it […]
All about life on campus at Idaho State University. This includes club events, activities sponsored by Union Programs Council and the Student Activities Board.
Chloe Reid Reporter College can seem intimidating at first. Coming onto campus for the first time is a big change for many, from seeing new faces, a new home and larger class sizes compared to those you might have experienced throughout high school. Clubs are a great way to reduce […]
Kyran Cates Reporter Getting a college education can be expensive, but with the support of your university, maintaining your health shouldn’t be. Idaho State University offers a wide variety of health and wellness resources to ensure students have access to counselors, doctors, exercise equipment and more. Located just across the […]
Chloe Reid Reporter Whether you’re a current Idaho State University student, faculty member or alumni, chances are that you’ve experienced one of the many on-campus dining experiences. Whether it be food from the Turner Dining Commons, Rendezvous or the Pond Student Union Building, there are plenty of options to satisfy […]
Chloe Reid Reporter Within the past few months, COVID-19 vaccine distributions have been in full swing. With the recent news of vaccines being available to anyone 16 years of age and older in the state of Idaho, the ability to be vaccinated is available to a much larger demographic in […]
Lesley Brey Reporter Looking to buy a house after graduating? You may want to wait. In a year marked by extreme economic turbulence, one of the few markets showing consistent growth has been housing. However it’s coming at a hefty cost: low inventory, high competition and overvaluation. According to Norada […]
Lesley Brey Reporter Spiders, and snakes, and rats, oh my! While some may consider this a list of pests, for college students looking for animal companionship, it may be a list of pets. Idaho State University is far from unique fin its “no pets” in student housing policy. This policy […]
Chloe Reid Reporter Spring graduations are right around the corner. As exciting as starting a new chapter in your life can be, it can also be very intimidating. Considering your options after graduation, whether it be in a few weeks or a few years, can be overwhelming to any college […]
Lesley Brey Reporter Who doesn’t love award season? It’s the one time of year we’ve all agreed to indulge in celebrity gossip and drama en masse, and boy did this year not disappoint. Maybe it’s a symptom of being stuck inside for 365+ days, but at the 63rd Grammy Awards, […]
Chloe Reid Reporter With the increase in vaccine distribution nationwide and a seemingly lower amount of cases in the past few weeks in most states, the start of going back to better times seems right around the corner. With this news, along with several other colleges nationally, Idaho State University […]
Chloe Reid Reporter With expanding numbers of the COVID-19 vaccine being administered nationwide, it’s common to have heard several stories about the reliability and functionality of the vaccine from different perspectives. From the start of the vaccine’s release, rumors have flown around regarding the vaccine’s ingredients, as well as the […]
Lesley Brey Reporter One recent Gallup Poll found that 1 in 6 Gen Zs self-identify as LGBTQ+, it’s easy to forget that gay marriage was only legalized in the United States in 2015. As a society, we’ve come far from the day when gay victims of AIDS were left to […]
Kyran Cates Reporter Twice per year, our circadian rhythm suffers a great injustice at the hands of the clock. Daylight saving starts on Sunday, Mar. 14 and lasts until Nov. 7, but this one-hour change is not as inconsequential as it may seem. While adjusting our clocks by one hour […]
Chloe Reid Reporter On Feb. 18, 2021, the Perseverance Rover landed on Mars. This landing marked the start of a long-awaited moment, a moment that could potentially help the future of science, as well as help the progression of discovering life forms on a foreign planet. The rover was launched […]
Kyran Cates Reporter As our planet suffers the intensifying consequences of carbon emissions and climate change, students at Idaho State University have decided to push our campus towards joining the fight for a sustainable future. Senior Rituraj Yadav and first-year Emma Watts recently started a petition to encourage ISU’s President, […]