Samantha Chaffin News Editor Idaho State University will soon be moving to an online, electronic scholarship application process. According to Associate Director of Scholarships Debbie Green, the scholarship office hopes to be testing the system by December and implement it in January for the 2014 to 2015 academic year awards. […]

Brenna Patrick Staff Writer Internships are becoming increasingly important as job markets become more competitive. Many internships serve to train students for success out of school. Career Center Director Lance Erickson said students who intern for someone or a company will most likely work for that company later on if […]

Michelle Schraudner Life Editor Artwork by veterans and current service members is on display in the John B. Davis Gallery in the Fine Arts Building in an exhibit called “Vigilance.” It is part of a semester-long series called “Experiencing Conflict.” The series is sponsored by the Department of Art and […]

Chris Banyas Staff Writer It is estimated that so far this year the recycling program at Idaho State University has collected 85 tons of material. Several recent grants have helped the program become what it is today, one of them coming from the Coca-Cola Company. This grant was not for […]

Brenna Patrick Staff Writer  The French-inspired cultural night called A Taste of France will be held Nov. 16. in the Pond Student Union Ballroom at 6 p.m. The event is the annual fundraiser for Idaho State University’s French club. Tickets are $7 for students, $8 for faculty and $9 for […]

Samantha Chaffin News Editor Spring class schedules for Idaho State University were viewable online as of Oct. 28 and spring registration is quickly approaching. There are a few steps students need to take in preparation for registration. Director of Central Academic Advising JoAnn Hertz said that aside from looking through […]