11Dear Badvice, What red flags should I look for when dating in college? Sincerely. Single-and ready-to-mingle Dear single-and-ready-to-mingle, Look for whatever qualities give you the creeps. The only person who knows your life is you, and only you can decide what eyebrow raising qualities you can deal with. Make a […]

Edna Grant Staff Writter Mysterious lung conditions and respiratory illnesses caused hospitalizations in 25 states in the last couple of weeks. Doctors believe that these cases can be linked to vaping and e-cigarettes. Every few years, a new drug fad hits the mainstream. In the 1800’s, it was Opium. In […]

Kaitlyn Hart Life Editor Remember before college? In the good old days, when you have to raise your hand to ask to go to the bathroom, ask a teacher if you can get a drink of water, and getting a signed slip so that you can leave to go to […]

Kaitlyn Hart and Maquella Chacon Life Editor and Staff Writer What do you think of when you hear the words “Greek life?” Do you think of wild parties, secret initiations and hard-to-pronounce Greek words? Good news, you’re probably in the majority. But you’re also missing some of the key aspects […]

Rianne Quigley Staff Writer We don’t need anyone to tell us how cool technology is anymore. We get it. Pictures we took five years ago live forever on the cloud. We can inform hundreds of people of a thought we spent less than a minute on, in seconds. The internet […]

Kaitlyn Hart Life Editor Known for its old but well-to-do copper mining facilities, Butte, Montana, is much more than just “The Richest Hill on Earth” to locals. The town bears the title for “America’s most Irish City” and each year hosts its annual An Rí Rá Irish Festival. The old, […]

Nancy Ceja Staff Writer There was a time when online shopping wasn’t a part of everyone’s daily routine. We would have to muster up the energy to get dressed, drive to the store and shop in real stores. Unlike today, we couldn’t simply browse on our preferred websites like Amazon, […]

Kaitlyn Hart Life Editor For many years, Red Hill has been an iconic structure and staple of the ISU and Pocatello community. Whether you’re looking to hike the trail to be mesmerized by the indescribable views of the city once you get to the top, or if your destination is […]

Maquella Chacon Staff Writer Over 150 local and regional car enthusiasts showed and discussed their cars with the public on March 15-16 as Idaho State University held its 13th annual Chrome in the Dome. Cars, trucks and motorcycles from every decade were present during the event and awarded with handmade […]

Kaitlyn Hart Life Editor Watch out, Pocatello. If you’re privy to the temptation of talking, texting, scrolling through social media or even changing the music on your phone while you’re behind the wheel, now is definitely the time to kick that bad habit. The Pocatello Police Department recently began issuing […]