Finance Committee: Two graduate students came to Finance Committee to request contingency funding. They are traveling to San Antonio, Texas, to present their 8-part podcast on how immigration affects Southeast Idaho. This will be great for ISU but in the Bylaws, ASISU can only fund up to a 1/3 of the cost. However, since they are lacking funding from their department, ASISU is looking for possibilities to provide a larger amount. They are requesting a minimum of $590.33 for lodging.MOVE TO COMMITTEE FOR FIVE MINUTES. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Schmidt/Sargeant. MOVE TO COME OUT OF COMMITTEE. Sargeant/Bailey. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. In committee, it was discussed that ASISU will fund up to 1/3 of their total costs. MOVE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR FIVE MINUTES. Sargeant/Bailey. MOTION CARRIED. MOVE OUT OF COMMITTEE. Kay/Kinzel. Unanimous.MOTION CARRIED. MOVE TO APPROVE MATCHED DEPOSIT TO WESLEY HOUSE IN THE AMOUNT OF $160. MOTION CARRIED.